Ken Hutchins and Gus Diamantopoulos explain how to transition from performing timed static contractions (TSC) without computer feedback to performing it with equipment providing feedback, called feedback statics (FS). It also features the PUSH portable feedback static devices designed by Gus Diamontopoulos.
This ebook also contains an important discussion of related exercise and equipment terminology.
A note from Ken Hutchins
- Herein is information about exercise on a plane far above anything available elsewhere.
- Although you might not have or ever will have access to feedback. equipment, it contains seminal information for anyone to apply to exercise.
- It has an extensive glossary that we need to refer for productive dialog.
- It’s free from all of us.
- It has had all copyrights removed to facilitate sharing it in case some might be uncomfortable with sharing proprietary works even though we openly give our permission for this ebook.
61 pages
Ken Hutchins can be contacted at Ken@SeriousExercise.com