This report is an update and not a standalone book!
This report updates, improves, and expands on both Project Kratos and Timed Static Contraction Training. You must have read either or both of those books to properly implement the information in this report.
If you have not already read either or both both Project Kratos and Timed Static Contraction Training you can get this update report free along with both of those books in the Bodyweight High Intensity Training ebook Bundle.
The Project Kratos Bodyweight HIT and TSC Training 2019 Update is a 40 page update report introducing numerous improvements and refinements to the protocols, resistance scaling and progression systems, and exercise performance guidelines (sub-protocols), making the best bodyweight and minimalist static exercise programs even better.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Changes
- Repetition Cadence / Speed of Motion
- Resistance Scaling and Progression
- Repetition Ranges, Time Under Load, and Time to Failure
- (Reasons For) Removal of Unilateral Exercises
- (Reasons For) Removal of Isochronal Progression
- Leg-Supported, Leg-Assisted, and Short-Lever Exercise Variants
- Pre-Exhaustion
- Intentional Antagonistic Co-Contraction
- Recommended Straps for TSC
- Kratos Resistance Scaling and Progression System
- Kratos Resistance Levels Table
- Determining Starting Resistance Level
- Workouts
- Changes to Kratos
- Changes to Zelus
- Consolidated Workouts
- Static Workouts
- Equipment
- No Gym? No problem
- For Travel and Outdoors Training
- For Home Training with Limited Space
- For a Small Home Gym
- For a Large Home Gym
- Kratos Exercises and Alternatives
- Zelus Exercises and Alternatives
- Questions and Answers
- Partial Range of Motion, TSC, and Flexibility
- Suspension Trainers and Compound Pushing Exercises
- Stability Balls and “Balance Trainers”
- Prone Trunk Extension/Superman Exercise
- Crush, Support, and Pinch Grip
- Finger Extensor Exercises
- Direct Arm and Thigh Exercises
- TSC Neck Rotation
- Variable Repetition Cadence
- Virtual Breakdowns/Drop Sets
- Pre-Exhaustion
- Classical (Max Effort/Short Duration) Isometrics
- Sisy Squat or Sissy Squat?
- Resistance Scaling and Progression with SuperSlow Repetitions
- Alternate Resistance Levels Table for SuperSlow Repetitions
- Alternate Starting Level Test for SuperSlow Repetitions
- Acknowledgements
- Consultations and Online Training
- Presentations, Seminars, and Workshops
Feedback from readers:
"I’ve had issues for years with thoracic spine tightness and discomfort from injuries sustained in martial arts and also from doing “stupid” training. The TSC neck and now this newly added spinal protocol has my back feeling young and spry. It’s like medicine! Thanks Drew" – Steve Maxwell, black belt senior world and Pan American jiu jitsu champion
"I would call this a definitive work on bodyweight exercise. I will be recommending this to my primary care physician for all his patients to implement a proper exercise program for health and fitness. I think this is the best progression system for bodyweight exercise I have investigated. I hope to start consulting and training seniors with this format and protocol. This a perfect adjunct to Ken Hutchins' SuperStatic protocol." – Greg Joannides