The Project Kratos – Harder To Kill: Bodyweight and Static High Intensity Training Online Course will teach you how to become as strong and conditioned as possible training less than one hour per week, with nothing but your own bodyweight and either a suspension trainer or strap.
This course is being developed with extended emergency preparedness and survival in mind, and addresses some of the unique challenges of getting and staying as strong and fit as possible while staying injury-free, under a variety of less-than-ideal circumstances.
This video course is in development with several new videos added each week. This course also includes an exclusive version of the Project Kratos–Harder To Kill ebook, with regular previews as it is completed.
Video course is live but field manual is still being written
You will learn:
- the most effective and safest ways to exercise with just your bodyweight, as well as with just a suspension trainer or strap
- the most effective way to scale bodyweight exercise difficulty to perfectly match your strength and to progress smoothly as you get stronger and better conditioned no matter what your current condition, age, or weight
- which bodyweight and static exercises are best, and which you should avoid
- the best bodyweight and static workouts for overall strength and conditioning
- the best workarounds for common physical limitations and injuries
- the proper performance and progression of dozens of the best bodyweight and static exercises covering every muscle group
- how to avoid the biggest mistakes common to most popular bodyweight training methods and programs to maximize your results while minimizing your workout time and injury risk
- principles for skill practice to more efficiently use the strength and conditioning you develop with your Project Kratos – Harder To Kill workouts to optimize your performance of other physical activities
Within 24 hours of signing up you will receive an e-mail with an invitation to join the Project Kratos–Harder to Kill Online Course Group where the course videos are being posted.
Feedback from readers on the original Project Kratos:
“Drew’s latest work, Project: Kratos – named for the Greek god of strength and power – is a bodyweight high intensity training program designed to maximize full-body strength, conditioning, and body composition. With safety, efficiency and little or no equipment as a basis for his book, Drew worked to develop a program that goes beyond the average application most people are accustomed to. Those of you who are familiar with Drew’s writings, videos and other projects know how thorough he is in his research and the manner in which he conveys every nuance. Trust me when I tell you, no stone goes unturned in Kratos and to say I’m impressed would be an understatement.” – Fred Fornicola
“I have placed a number of guys on the program with some of my own variations. All of my clients have had great success. I’ve had several people relate to me that they can hardly believe how strong they feel and would have never believed such a thing possible without weights.” – Steve Maxwell, black belt senior world and Pan American jiu jitsu champion
“I own pretty much all of the major bodyweight training books that have come out over the last few years such as You Are Your Own Gym, Body by You, Overcoming Gravity, Pushing the Limits, Raising the Bar, Bodyweight Strength Training, and Convict Conditioning. I would say that the Project: Kratos Bodyweight High Intensity Training book is definitely the most well thought out and effective of the bunch and would be my recommendation as the single best bodyweight training book around.” – Bill Cameron
"Today I did my first workout utilizing your protocol. In the past my (bodyweight) squats were ineffective unless performed unilaterally. Today...I can barely walk. Very huge difference. This one exercise alone made it worthwhile to purchase your books." – Rick Cohen
“This manual is excellent! I went to Starbucks and read this thing entirely today – well done!”
“I like the content of your book. Content is arranged very logically and explanations are clear and easy to understand.”
“For those who utilize or are looking to utilize bodyweight workouts… this has to be one of the best ebooks/books I’ve ever come across. No B.S. instruction with obvious skill and knowledge on Drew’s part. Qualities that many health “professionals” truly lack these days. Enough already… just buy it!”
“The results we achieved until now are unbelievable. I lost 20kg of weight and I’m now stronger than ever in my life (and I did intense sport for decades). My wife is now – aged 55 – for the first time in her life able to perform pullups, real pushups and so on. She achieved these results in less than 3 month. After finishing today’s training a few minutes ago, I just want to let you know. The change in nutrition and training according to your program where the most important contributions to our health and strength for decades.” – Kilian & Regina G.
“Baye applies sane, sensible guidelines and his exercise selections are all good ones.” – Ellington Darden, PhD